Keeping children safe at Woolpit Primary Academy is everyone's responsibility. All Staff and Governors are committed to creating the safest possible environment in which children can learn and achieve. We will listen to the children in our care and take appropriate action when we need to. We will work with other agencies and seek to establish effective working relationships with parents and carers. We will seek to equip our children with essential life skills and help them make good choices about their own safety.
Our Safeguarding Team are:
Safeguarding Policy
What to do if you are concerned about a child?
Everyone has a part to play in protecting and safeguarding children. Customer First is the initial point of contact for social services in Suffolk. If you are concerned about a child please report this to:
Customer First on 0808 800 4005
Calls are free from landlines and most mobiles, and lines are open 08:00-18:45 Mon-Fri. Outside these hours calls are automatically diverted to the Emergency Duty Service, which deals with any matters that cannot wait until the next working day.
Useful Resources
Help children to stay safe online. If someone has behaved inappropriately online a report can be made to CEOP. Click the icon to make a report. If however you need immediate help telephone 999.
Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership
The Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership (Suffolk County Council, Suffolk Police, Suffolk Healthcare services) works to protect children and young people and adults at risk of harm, neglect and exploitation in Suffolk.
Click the icon to be taken to their website.