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Early Years Foundation Stage (Reception)

In the Early Years at Woolpit Primary Academy, children learn within a safe and secure learning environment that equips them for the educational journey ahead. We ensure children are given a range of highly-engaging and motivating play-based learning experiences, which enable them to become confident and independent learners. 


We pride ourselves on providing a high quality indoor and outdoor provision with a huge array of natural resources. We use both indoor and outdoor spaces every day and are very lucky to have a large undercover area outdoors. 

The classroom has 'zones' or 'areas' dedicated to each of the areas of the foundation curriculum in reception. These areas are changed regularly and are themed around our 1 of our 6 overarching concepts over the whole school: Global Warming, Human Rights, Exploration, Local Area, Technology and Monarchs. Through rigorous assessments of our children's development needs, we ensure areas within our environment are developed and enhanced with the purposful learning tools and opportunities to address the needs identified. We also ensure there are challenges linked to the children's own interests, curiosities and questions.  Our team is committed to providing an environment that is rich with possibilities, develops children’s independence and puts children right at the centre of their own learning. We use the Development Maters: Non-statutory curriculum guidance for the early years foundation stage (July2021), to support us with the delivery of our curriculum building on the strengths and meeting the needs of all children.

Reading is core to everything we do at Woolpit Primary School; we engross ourselves into amazing, engaging and exciting stories which link to our overarching concepts. Our environment is language rich, full of storytelling opportunities; creative and imaginative play; drama and develops our love of stories and reading. 

Early years foundation stage goals

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