Recently our school meals have improved significantly and we have seen a rise in the number of children having them each day. As we know, from research undertaken by the School Food Trust, eating a healthy school meal can positively affect children’s behaviour in the classroom. As you will be aware, there is increasing concern about rising rates of obesity and related health problems in children. School meals are more likely to contain vegetables, fruit, extra bread, healthier drinks and no confectionery and snacks compared with packed lunches. As a school, it is part of our responsibility to help children learn how to eat healthily. The school believes that this will help your child to eat healthy, tasty food at lunchtime, thus reinforcing what they learn in the classroom about healthy eating.
We are going to be having a real focus on being a healthy school in the coming months as we feel that is truly an important value for children to learn as they grow older. We understand that whilst some pupils already have fairly healthy packed lunches, for some families this will require significant changes to what you give your child for a packed lunch. The website below is a really helpful tool for supporting families with swaps you can make. Children need good nutrition in order for them to learn well and keep a stable mood. Lots of sugary and unhealthy items can make us feel tired in the afternoon.
Here are some ideas:
We are asking that you are mindful of the items that children are having in their lunchboxes and for morning snacks. Morning snacks that are brought to school need to be fruit only and this will be the expectation. KS1 already have fruit in school so snack is already provided for them but feel free to bring in an alternative fruit snack if it is wanted. Pack lunches should be full of healthy and filling foods. See the tips below:
I thank you for working with us on this very important matter. Our aim is to INSPIRE our children to be the best version of themselves and this is one of many aspects to it.
Kind Regards
Mrs Clayton